Watson’s Bay, At Last

Saturday, March 10 and Sunday, March 11.  Back from the Hunter, we decide to do some sightseeing around the Sydney area.  Because we’ve already had two failed attempts to get to Watson’s Bay, both foiled by significant health setbacks, we have become a little superstitious about openly planning a trip there.  So Debbie and Chris begin talking in code about their plans to take us there on Sunday.  They say things like “If we were going to Watson’s Bay, which we’re not, we would…” or “If we were going to Watson’s Bay, which we’re not, when would we be leaving?”  Eventually, this is so successful that I am completely confused about whether or not we are going to see Watson’s Bay and when.

In the end, our always undaunted hosts took us on two scenic hikes – one, on Saturday, along a trail that runs between Long Reef Beach and the Long Reef Golf Course and the other, on Sunday, to Watson’s Bay.  We’ll let the photos that Ralph and Debbie took tell the story.

Long Reef, the Newport Arms and Watson’s Bay

Watson’s Bay

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